Thursday, March 31, 2005

Turning Dreams into Action

Ouida and I hope you can join us in attending in this seminar. We've heard some very enthusiastic reports of its value from some of our friends who attended it in January.


Marriage Enrichment Conference - "Becoming Noble Partners"
April 7-10, 2005, Dallas, TX

Are you ready to ignite passion and purpose in your marriage? This weekend conference is designed to encourage couples to work together to turn goals and dreams into actions by addressing the question, What is the one noble goal we must achieve in our marriage and family?

For more information [click here]

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Sharp Point of Fear

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.. (Prov 23:7)

What happens to you is important.
But, what you think
about the things that happen to you
is absolutely critical
and will
define your future.

We tend to get into cycles of reacting when people touch one of our core fears. It's takes courage to recognize, admit and walk into the face of those fears. But, if we begin to know ourselves, we can learn to respond in faith instead of reacting at the touch of the sharp point of fear. What makes you react?

The paradox of courage is that a man must be
a little careless of his life in order to keep it.
-- G.K. Chesterton

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Killing the Unwanted

My thesis is this: Whether or not the present war on the weak blossoms into a full-blown, irreversible culture of death has more to do with the ethics and character of the Church of Jesus Christ than it does with the rise of humanism, post-modernism, or any other ism. The Church is the centerpiece of history, the salt of the earth, and the primary means for restraining evil and blessing nations. When the people of God are faithful, focused, and unified, nations prosper — because we are not, chaos reigns. (“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people,” Proverbs 14:34.)

There are few significant statistical variances between the behavior of professing Christians and non-Christians on issues of family and life. A recent Barna report indicates that there are no fundamental differences in the training of children between Christians and non-Christians within our society.[iii] In the thirty-two-year wake of Roe v. Wade, we have witnessed the widespread acceptance by Christians of the belief that children are a burden, as well as the related acceptance of the use of abortifacient contraceptives. (No one knows the millions of souls that have been aborted by Christians simply through their use of the Pill.) Not surprisingly, TIME Magazine now reports that a majority of evangelicals support the forced dehydration and starvation of Terri Schiavo.[iv]

How this generation of pastors and parents respond to the murder of Terri may be one of the most important legacies we leave to our posterity. We must confront these issues head on, or we will risk searing the collective conscience of American Christians regarding the sanctity of life, thus opening a philosophical and legal floodgate of euthanasia, assisted suicide, and privatized eugenics in the form of ruthless killing of the disabled, the handicapped, the elderly, and the unwanted members of our society.
-- Doug Phillips at
Vision Forum

Monday, March 28, 2005

How to Bring Your Children to Christ

... In his new book, How to Bring Your Children to Christ, Ray Comfort says parents have a biblical mandate to teach their children about God; however, he asserts that too many mothers and fathers are abdicating that responsibility by sending their children to secular schools. "Parents need to think twice about who they're letting [teach] the children," the author says. "Even some Christian schools seem to lack some depth nowadays, so we need to be prayerful about who we allow to raise our children." As an alternative to a secular or substandard education, Comfort encourages parents to consider home schooling their children, not only to ensure their spiritual growth but to prepare them for what they may face in a secular university setting. "I preach open air and I witness a lot," the evangelist says, "and the most antagonistic and proud and self-righteous people are university students. I mean there's a brain drain -- their brains are getting drained as they get in the door. There are more atheists in universities than there are in secular society." Comfort urges parents to consider home education as the best opportunity for children to receive a solid, biblical foundation and Christian understanding of the world. --

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Feeding on Plastic Baloney

Like the nations that the LORD makes to perish before you, so you shall perish; because you would not listen to the voice of the LORD your God. (Deuteronomy 8:20)

Where have all the men gone? It seems almost incomprehensible that a nation of warriors would let a helpless woman be starved to death. “There was nothing I could do” is always the excuse. Yet, Corrie Ten Boom (almost an old woman) found a way to save a few from the Holocaust while her Minister did not have the courage to help (see “The Hiding Place”, by Corrie Ten Boom). Yet, what have I done? I’ve done nothing very demanding. I’ve prayed earnestly and sent a few emails. I was “too busy” to do more. Only handfuls of people did more. This is a clear demonstration that our churches are filled with “nice guys” rather than warriors.

Because of the lack of men of backbone in our churches, we continue to accept the killing of BABIES (also known by the latin word "fetus") for research, economics and convenience. Now we accept the starving of helpless men and women (vegetables?). Soon we may even tolerate the starving of our pet dog. There are too many churches and too many people wearing the label “Christian” to blame the judges. In reality, we know that the current sports event is more important than seeking the Lord and thirty minutes sleep is more important than hearing God. It is not the judges but the attitudes and votes of Christians for pleasure, entertainment and convenience which have brought our culture to this point.

Jesus laid down His life for us. We are called to the same sort of attitude. "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” But, how many of us can even hear that call? Our churches are filled with deaf people who no longer listen for voice of the Lord. Instead of daily spending some dedicated time in seeking God, we rationalize that we pray constantly. Many preachers are more entertainers than expounders of God's Word. What plastic baloney we serve ourselves. Even Jesus frequently had to take time alone to seek God. Are we better men than Him? Jesus reaffirmed the Scripture that says, "MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD." Our nation is perishing, is killing itself, because we who call ourselves “Christians” no longer listen to the voice of the Lord our God. Let’s commit ourselves to getting some real spiritual nutrition instead of continuing to feed on plastic baloney.

Let’s commit to sincerely seeking, hearing and acting on God’s voice everyday.
Let’s ask God to give us the guts to act on what we hear.

Let’s pray, “Lord, do whatever is necessary to correct our priorities.”

Friday, March 25, 2005

WorldNetDaily: Terri Schiavo and the resurrection

WorldNetDaily: Terri Schiavo and the resurrection: "However, if the Easter message is true and Jesus Christ did rise from the dead, then we are forced to think about the life of Terri Schiavo, the unborn baby, traditional marriage and other issues from a different perspective. At the core of every major social and moral debate in America today lies this issue. It is an issue that transcends any Supreme Court ruling. The media would attempt to deify the Supreme Court, the opinions of doctors and the legal system. But the message of Easter and the claims of Christ's resurrection echo through history that the real Supreme Court is not based on earth but in heaven, and in the final analysis this is the only court whose decision will ultimately stand."

WorldNetDaily: Terri's crucifixion

WorldNetDaily: Terri's crucifixion

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

One Witness

but no person shall be put to death on the testimony of one witness. (Numbers 35:30)

How blessed is he who considers the helpless; The LORD will deliver him in a day of trouble. (Ps 41:1)


* Let us pray for God's perspective of and heart for
the unborn, the handicapped, and the elderly.
* Pray for protection, mercy and grace for Terri Schiavo and those like her.

May God give us His heart of compassion, His will to fight and His Spirit to stand against heartless forces that put convenience, money or status ahead of love, mercy and life. Love has and will overcome evil.


Friday, March 18, 2005

The Joy of the Fully Committed

“…save Yourself, and come down from the cross!" Mark 15:13

If Jesus had listened to these tempters and saved Himself, we would all be lost. But, Jesus was not bound to the cross by soldiers, hatred, or nails. He was not held by bondage but by commitment. Full commitment is the determination to achieve the goal no matter what the cost. The basis of the Ten Commandments is revealed in the first commandment to love God with all our might. This is a call to commitment rather than bondage.

People who desire to be part of an organization may feel that they must follow a certain set of rules to be a member of the group. This is an attitude of bondage. But, if a person is sincerely committed, they will make whatever sacrifices are needed for the success of the organization. This difference in attitude can be seen in business, government, families and churches.

One of our sons worked for a government entity that had leadership problems. He was part of a group that sought change but who became discouraged with progress. Most of that group changed jobs. But, He decided to be committed to the success of the organization and stayed. As a result, He was able to move forward with a good attitude. His commitment to the success of the department was recognized and he was encouraged to accept more responsibility. He soon became a leader who could actually influence the direction of the organization.

When Hannah gave up her young son to Eli the priest, she sang a song of joy. How could she do this? She was experiencing the joy of the fully committed. Our natural tendency is to hang out on the fringe and to seek the minimum set of rules to remain a member of the group. This is the attitude of a complaining slave. In contrast, we are called to give ourselves to the Lord as living sacrifices. This is full commitment. Let’s embrace our particular cross of being poured out for others and experience the joy of the fully committed.

What people or groups of people are depending on you?
Are you just a nominal member of the group or are you Fully Committed to their success?

Think about:

* Marriage
* Family
* Church
* Business
* Government
* God’s Kingdom

Recommended reading: "A Table in the Wilderness" by Watchman Nee

Daily Success Scripture Meditation Program

Daily meditating on Scripture is a guaranteed way to change the way we each think. This can be the key to getting our thoughts out of the ruts of fear, worldliness, and negative patterns. The following Daily Success email series is designed to encourage daily meditation on some of the most significant words of Christ. Meditating on Christ's words and applying them to our life will help us to have the mind of Christ. We will thus become those who are called wise because they built their house on the rock rather than the sand.

Daily Success Scripture Meditation Program

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Far Enough or Too Far

"You have gone far enough, for all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is in their midst; so why do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the LORD?" (Numbers 16:3)

A man was stoned to death because he gathered wood on the Sabbath. Perhaps Korah and the other men were offended at this decision. Maybe it offended their personal sense of justice or went against “common sense”. But, whether they realized it or not, the decision came from God. After all that had happened since leaving Egypt, Korah and the other men should have recognized that God was leading and protecting Moses.

As a result of his rebellion, Korah and his family were swallowed up by the earth. Hundreds of other leading men, who followed his lead, were consumed by fire. But, the people apparently thought it was some Moses magic because the very next day they confronted him with an attitude of rejection and rebellion. Once again, God responded as though they were rejecting and rebelling against Him and, as a result, thousands died by a plague. Moses and Aaron did not desire the death of the people but loved them, were praying for them, and hurriedly offered incense to stop the plague.

The men who rose up against Moses did so because they did not genuinely know God or Moses. These men were not motivated by love but by a desire for control. They appealed to the masses because they spoke out of the “natural”, out of “common sense”. The people choose their leaders for the wrong reasons and suffered terrible consequences. This illustrates the vital importance of choosing whose advice we will follow. We should not choose “natural” leaders that are full of worldly wisdom and common sense but godly leaders who daily seek the Lord and hunger for His direction. Korah said, “You have gone far enough.” But, God said to Korah, “You have gone too far.”


* Let’s ask ourselves, “Who’s advice do I seek and actually follow?”
* Is your leader or advice-giver someone who seeks God?
* Whoever our leaders are, let’s keep praying that God will constantly bless, guide and transform them

Monday, March 14, 2005

Terri Schindler-Schiavo Starvation Starts March 18

Terri Schiavo is potentially in the last days of her life before a judge causes her a torturous death by preventing her from getting food and water. Terri is purposefully interactive, alert, curious, lovely young woman who lives with a very serious disability. She lives free of any life support machines and receives nutrition through a tube that is connected only at meal times.
For more information see Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation.

Washington Weekly Review Friday, March 11, 2005
--President Roberta Combs
103 Members of the House Sign on as Co-Sponsors of Congressman Weldon's "Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act of 2005"/
Terri Schiavo's Husband Offered $1 Million to Not Remove Terri's Feeding Tubes next Friday
Congressman Dave Weldon, (R-FL), a medical doctor, has 103 Members of the House co-sponsoring his bill, "Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act of 2005" which will effectively save the life of Terri Schiavo, who went into a coma after suffering a heart attack. Senator Mel Martinez, (R-FL), has 7 co-sponsors including Senators Coburn, Inhofe, Santorum, and Brownback on a similar Senate bill. In a new development on Thursday, a California businessman, Robert Herring, Sr. has offered Terri Schiavo's husband, Michael Schiavo, $1 million to not remove her feeding tubes next Friday, the date that leftist Judge George Greer has set for the end of litigation and for the removal of Terri's feeding tubes. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 202-224 -3121 or you can go to and urge your two Senators to vote for the "Incapacitated Persons Legal Protection Act of 2005" and your Representative to vote for the same bill in the House next week, when an expedited bill could reach both the House and Senate floors -- assuming the House/Senate leadership allow such an action.

Fickle Fans

Forasmuch . . . as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same. (Hebrews 2:14)

A woman is drawn to a man who loves her enough to risk danger, travel great distances, expend great treasures for her and overcome seemingly impossible obstacles. She may not initially be willing to trust him with her affections. In fact, a wise woman is extremely careful with her affections because she realizes they can be easily stolen. But, when she sees the depth of her suitor’s commitment shown by the investment of treasure, time and trouble, she begins to feel that he might not be a fickle fan. If she also recognizes that the strength of her suitor’s love comes from the power of God’s love, then she can be assured that he will remain faithful no matter what weaknesses she already realizes in herself. But, what if, after climbing mountains, fighting fierce beasts, struggling across the artic and defeating her slave masters, the suitor is rejected in favor of a foolish, drunken jokester. We would rightly recognize such a girl to be a fool herself and unworthy of the brave deeds done in her behalf. Only a foolish woman would want to give herself to and follow a fool.

There is One who has risked everything and overcome every obstacle to win the heart of each of us. Who would have thought, before it happened, that love could actually defeat evil? But, what He gave up in becoming flesh and blood, the pain and suffering He accepted, the price He paid remains beyond our comprehension. The story of God's love is the greatest love story ever told. Yet, we often vacillate in our affections. Our thoughts, attention and devotion might be drawn to riches, power or even something as paltry as worldly entertainment. Yet, He does not give up on us. Jesus still pursues us even as he sees our heart drawn toward false values, sensual pleasures or mindless entertainment. O Lord, heal our fickle hearts that we may embrace genuine Love and fully give ourselves to the One, our True Lover, who gave all for us. Preserve us from the deception of being fickle fans of Christ.

Let’s examine ourselves for and repent of divided affections.
Let’s Pray for a heart to embrace the Lover of Our Souls.

For You were slain, and have redeemed us to God
by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
and have made us kings and priests to our God;
and we shall reign on the earth.
(Rev 4:9,10)

Friday, March 11, 2005

Vaccines -- Benefits, Risks, Choices

Many of us hold opinions which are not based on facts. I've had to change my mind in many areas after I became of aware of information that I had not previously seen, appreciated or adequately understood. Vaccines have been the subject of congressional hearings and a government program exists to compensate those damaged by vaccines. This indicates the existence of information about vaccines that is not generally known. Before you accept an injection for yourself or your child, be fully informed.

National Vaccine Information Center

Vaccines -- Benefits, Risks and Choices

Tuesday, March 08, 2005



“Christian” can be just a label. If our spirit has actually been made alive through the power of God’s Spirit then we will be changed internally. Our desire will be to relate to the Lover of our Soul. Such a person will WANT to daily seek God. Even so, there may be a battle with our fleshly desire to be lazy, undisciplined and entertained.

A Christian’s body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and God’s House. His House is to be a house of prayer. Prayer is talk. Prayer is relationship. A husband who has little desire to speak to his wife has a serious problem with his marriage relationship. If one goes through a day or even several days with barely a thought of or toward Jesus, there is clearly a lack of relationship.

Such a relationship problem could result from yielding to fleshly desires. Or, it might indicate that a person has not actually repented of his sin. One can know a great deal about God without really knowing God. Genuine knowing of God comes through repentance of sin and receiving forgiveness and grace. Knowing God involves daily relationship with Him through Christ’s redemption.

We are not saved because of daily relating to God. Rather, we actually desire to relate daily because we have been born into the love of God and thirst to hear His voice and to walk with Christ. “By His stripes, we are healed.” What an incredible God we serve! Lord, please walk with us and talk with us. Make your word to burn in our hearts and change our lives.


* Evaluate your relationship with God.
* Do you DESIRE to hear Him daily?

Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:32)

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Glue Factory

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. Be ye not as the horse, [or] as the mule, [which] have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. (Psalm 32:8,9)

We used to board a horse for a girl’s camp. This pony was named “Hurry” which was short for “Hurricane”. The name was ironic since the only time the horse ever got in a hurry was when it was headed back to the barn. Over the years before he came to live with us, Hurry had developed a bad habit of resistance. Normally, Hurry would just drag his feet about going anywhere and would perk up when it was time to go home. But, one time I was riding another horse with a friend riding Hurry. This friend was not very experienced with horses. All of the sudden, Hurry turned and headed back to the corral. When I caught up with them, they were patiently waiting at the gate. Such a horse can be a nuisance and even dangerous.

Life is full of decisions, choices and confusion. But, this verse makes it clear that God WANTS to help us find our way. But, many of us have a problem with mule-ish stubbornness. When I ignore God’s Word, His instruction and His guidance, I lose, at the least, some potential blessings and, at worse, I endanger myself and those who are depending on me. But, if we can come to the point of sacrificing our urgent desires and sincerely want to follow God’s direction, this verse offers a wonderful promise.

It says, “I will guide you”. But, it takes attention on our part because He will guide us with His “eye”. Scripture also says, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This [is] the way, walk in it.” This verse conveys the idea of a low voice or a whisper. If our life is too noisy and busy, we may miss His gentle guidance. He does not force His way. But, if we actually desire to go in His way and will listen and watch carefully, He will guide us as a well-trained horse can be guided without a bit or bridle. In contrast, a horse that insists on its own way will either end up being guided by pain or getting its way all the way to the glue factory.

Let’s genuinely repentant of our mule-ish attitudes.
Let’s sincerely and earnestly offer ourselves to God as living sacrifices.
Explicitly take one of your upcoming decisions to God and plead for His guidance.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Setting Captives Free - Home

Most of us know of people who wish to be free from some enslaving habit. If you or someone you know is suffering from a habit which has them trapped, take a look at the free, interactive courses at this web site.

Setting Captives Free - Home