Monday, May 30, 2005

Muscle Building

If we let Him go on like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." (John 11:48)

The scenario envisioned by the religious leaders in this verse reveals their total lack of faith in God and complete focus on earthly goals. They were called to lead a nation closer to God. But, their interest was not in the people they were leading or in God’s goals but in the position they held and the privileges they enjoyed. It shows their actual belief in contrast to their stated belief. Their actual belief was that God either didn’t exist, or was powerless against the Romans. Without realizing what they are doing, they finally came to the conclusion that they must take control and kill God’s promise, the focus of their history, and their only genuine hope for the future. Others found eternal treasure in Christ but they did not.

The statement, “If we let Him go on like this”, causes me to remember, back when we had only two or three children, that even though we felt God was asking us to trust Him to control how many children He would give us, fear and uncertainty would arise in our mind at the prospect of twenty (or even more) children. We were in debt from my college expenses and, to even afford our first child, we had to sell my little sports car. How could we possibly afford a child every year or two?

It is terribly easy for us to be guided by fear -- fear of being out of control, fear of loss, or fear of death. Scripture tells us that the more we know God’s love the less we will fear. Fear can cause us to miss out on the genuine, eternal treasures of life that God has stored up for us. At the end of their life, men do not regret the loss of things as much as the loss of relationships or as much as having fled in fear when faced with the enemy. One of the most important activities we can engage in is to meditate on, absorb and act on the Word, the Truth, and the Love of God. This vital activity will build up the muscles of our faith, our love and our courage.

May God give us grace to trust His love enough to embrace His call so that we do not destroy, by our fear, His promise and treasure for our life, family or church.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Divided or Multiplied

The eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. 2Ch 16:9

As I think about what it means to have a perfect heart, I’m reminded of the first time (a couple of decades ago) my Bride and I participated in a Marriage Encounter. As we shared, by learning to write for ten minutes about our feelings, I began to realize that my heart had some hidden areas. It began to dawn on me that we would grow in love only as much as we (and especially I) were willing to be transparent. Scripture says that if we say we are without sin, then we are liars. Yet, we are tempted to pretend to others, and even to God, that we are over the “little” failures of the past just because we have shoved them into a dark closet of our mind.

By God’s grace, I was able to open up and share one of my weaknesses from my “hall of shame”. What was the result? Our love for each other broke through invisible walls and overflowed even our hopes. When we left the Marriage Encounter on Sunday and went to a prayer meeting in the evening, some friends were amazed. They said we were glowing with love.

As a result of our experience at that Marriage Encounter, we were more than ever committed to each other because we had more openness, trust and love. Not only were we closer to each other, but our relationship with God had also gone to a new level.

If anything is weighing on our conscience or is “off limits” to God or our spouse, then our heart is not “perfect” or complete. To keep something hidden requires energy and focus. Our heart, our inner thoughts, can not be perfect toward God as long as we are keeping things hidden. Maybe one reason we do not see more of God’s power in our life or in our church is because our hearts are divided. God is eagerly searching for ways to show His strength in this world. But, He needs men and women with undivided hearts. If we stop living with divided hearts, we will see multiplied effects of God’s power and love in our lives, families and churches.

Let’s pray --

May God give me grace to be desperate for more love for Him and for a perfectly whole heart.

Let’s do –-

Confess our weaknesses and sins to our spouse, minister, trusted friend or parents. (God will give us strength for even this.)

--We know that all things work together for good to them that love God. Romans 8:28

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The PewWarmer Tree

We have many fruit trees around our house. The branches of those fruit trees are currently loaded with fruit. But, some of the branches are dry, leafless and dead. I cut off the dead branches and they will eventually be burned. Mature, healthy branches seem to always bear an overwhelming amount of fruit.

"My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples. (John 15:8)

It is not enough for us to be satisfied with bringing people to Jesus. We are called to bear fruit that will become healthy branches that will in turn bear fruit. Like a healthy branch, a disciple will inevitably bear fruit. And, that fruit is more disciples. If we bring people to Christ but they do not become disciples of Jesus then they will not bear the fruit of more disciples. In the Gospels, we see that some followed Jesus for a while but then became discouraged with His goals and teachings. It was those closest to Him who eventually became the roots of the Church. They not only made converts; they made disciples.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.. (Matthew 28:19)

Our challenge is not merely to increase the count of the number of members in the church. Every church should be filled with disciple-makers or members who are about to become disciple-makers. A branch of a fruit tree will bear fruit if it is alive and getting nutrients from the branch to which it is attached. Ideally, every church member is attached to The Branch. But, some churches are satisfied with full Sunday morning services. Yet, every member is called to go out and make disciples. A member that does not bear fruit of more disciples may not be sufficiently connected to the Rose of Sharon. Every church is called to be a Disciple tree because a Pew Warmer tree will soon be a dead tree..

Lord Jesus, help me to be more fruitful!

"Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. (John 15:2)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Out of the Strong Came Something Sweet

One day, I was working in a different area of the building than usual. As I worked, I heard raised voices in a nearby office. It came as a shock to hear that I was the subject of the noisy conversation. It was a shock because I view myself as a quiet worker who is normally uninvolved in office politics. Yet, here was someone vigorously attacking my competence and character. What are the chances that I would happen to be in a strange area just when someone starts complaining to his boss about me? The chances are obviously low. But, God is alive and active. This was no accident. God was revealing this problem so that I could respond. In our home education curriculum, we had recently learned about Matthew 5:44 and it immediately came to mind. This went against my natural inclination to find a way to get even.

“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

Since I had very little interaction with the fellow who was attacking me, I wasn’t sure how to bless him. So, I concentrated on the “pray for them which despitefully use you.” I prayed that God would bless him in his life and would help him find the path to genuine truth and to salvation. After a few weeks, another strange thing happened. The two of us were temporarily assigned to work closely on a project as a team of two. Over the years we worked there, that was the only time that we worked together on the same team. We ended up on friendly terms.

God wants us to more than conquer our enemies. He wants us to end up on the same team as friends helping each toward the same goal. This is only possible through His power working in our relationships. The first step is to have the mind of Christ to “love your enemies.” Christ definitely did good to us. We killed the Lion of Judah but He became the source of the sweetest of blessings.

"And out of the strong came something sweet."
(Judges 14:14)


* Who are you having trouble relating to?
* How can you do them good and bless them?
* What will you do to today to bring God’s grace into that relationship

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Big Bang Experts

"For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.
"But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?"
(John 5:46)

Surveys have shown that, currently, only 9% of people who identify themselves as Christians have a Biblical worldview. This means over 90% are not able to put Biblical teachings into practice because they don’t sincerely believe much of what the Bible teaches. In fact, many of these people put little value in even finding out what the Bible actually says because they don’t consider it believable. The result is that many churches are little more than social clubs to help each other feel better.

By these words in John 5, Jesus, the Son of God, makes it clear that the roots of the New Testament are in the Old Testament. Jesus, as King of Kings, puts His stamp of approval on the writings of Moses and tells us that we should believe what Moses wrote. Moses wrote of the beginnings of Mankind, destruction by the Flood, and the selection of Abraham to be the father of His Chosen people. Jesus is the climax of the story begun in Genesis and that concludes in Revelation.

Our schools, culture, and judges have relegated Genesis to the land of fairy tales. Who will we believe? If we don’t believe in the beginning revealed in the Old Testament, how much can we depend on the “rest of the story” revealed in the New Testament? Our culture has also made the story of Jesus into a fairy tale. At least our culture is consistent. We should also be consistent. We must choose. Jesus was certified as the Son of the Creator by His Resurrection from the dead. Our earthly teachers are certified by a piece of paper on the wall. Will our faith be founded on the words of the Son of God or the “something from nothing” teachings of "Big Bang" experts?

- Let’s finally decide who we will follow and listen to.
- Let’s commit to seeing and responding to our world through the truth of the Bible.
- Find answers for the "experts". Click here to get the other side of the story: "Answers In Genesis".

Monday, May 16, 2005

Crucibles and Jigsaw Puzzles

I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. (John 17:23)

When I first make friends with a person, it is frequently because there is something about that person that I find encouraging or pleasing. As time goes by, that person may begin to bump against some of the sharp points of my personality or habits. I wish these sharp points were more rare. If I respond by resenting that person for irritating, criticizing or even cursing me, then I will tend to isolate myself from that person. Others may respond by trying to make the other person change. "This is me. You'll just have to get used to it!" Resentment, aggression or withdrawal is a natural response when our relationships are Self-centered.

The natural man tends to make and maintain relationships for selfish reasons. If the relationship begins to put pressure on him to change, then a choice must be made. Will he refuse to die to Self and thus turn away from becoming a better person? Will he (or she) demand his own way? In any relationship, genuine unity will require change and movement toward perfection.

We each have many relationships where we can choose to die to self and become more like Christ. Many of those relationships are easy to back away from. But, marriage is the most intense crucible for personal refinement because of the commitment to intimately share all aspects of life through “better or worse”. The good news is that as we each deny ourselves and take up our cross (admitting personal shortcomings and accepting personal change) then the relationship will begin to be like a jigsaw puzzle fitting together. Our relationship with God is one of these relationships. We can choose to grow closer and more intimate with God or to withdraw and be an isolated Self. A marriage growing in genuine intimacy between two souls combined with a deepening relationship with God will display an increasing manifestation of genuine love. The jigsaw puzzle of such a marriage will gradually reveal an image of God’s own heart.

Thank God when you feel irritated, criticized or cursed.
Ask God how you need to change or respond.
Ask for and expect God to give you grace to respond as Christ would.

Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” (Matt 5:44)

Friday, May 13, 2005

Heavenly Fruit

"That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” (John 3:6)

As we look at the needs around us, we are tempted to try to figure out how to distribute our short supply of loaves and fishes to the masses. The reasonable, organized and common sense approaches are totally inadequate to the need. Nevertheless, our tendency is to constantly look to flesh based, humanly analytical answers.

Lord Jesus, I’ve wasted too many hours, days and years walking in the flesh. Too much has been wasted trying to satisfy my fleshy desires. Too many of my projects have been born out of “good ideas” that were not your idea. Being “reasonable” has led to limiting your power and the range of your love. Fear has frequently kept me from stepping out into your guidance, provision and protection. Preserve us from the false and poisonous fruit of the flesh.

It is impossible for us to overcome our fears, to genuinely help anyone, let alone feed so many needy, except by your power and provision. Preserve us from the math of Philip who said, "Two hundred denarii worth of bread is not sufficient for them,..” Today, may we offer you our bodies, time, words, and thoughts as fish and loaves for your blessing to be broken and given to the hungry multitudes. Help us to see the neediest as the greatest opportunity for Your incredible love and power. Draw us close to you to hear your guidance, to share in your marvelous work and to experience heavenly fruit.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Tomorrow Seeds

"Take these things away; stop making My Father's house a place of business." (John 2:16)

I wanted to find salvation when I was eleven years old and was baptized. But, my thought life continued in paths of worldliness. The books I read, the television I watched, and the friends I had all encouraged me in a focus on this world with its interests and treasures. So, for over ten more years, I sought the ways of the world and gave lip service to the King of Kings.

"Take these things away; stop making My Father's house a place of business." When Jesus spoke these words, His Father’s house was the temple in Jerusalem. But now, where is the temple of God’s Spirit? If we are followers of Jesus as Lord, then our body has become the temple for God’s Spirit. It should be a place of prayer, worship and rejoicing. But, the world constantly tempts us to make it a place of business or, worse, a den of robbers.

King David also dedicated these to the LORD, with the silver and gold that he had dedicated from all the nations which he had subdued: (2 Samuel 8:11)

This verse about King David reveals that, though surrounded by wealth and power, his focus was the same as when he was a poor shepherd alone in the wilderness. It was this focus in David’s thoughts that originally led to God choosing David to lead His people. The focus of our thoughts determines the direction of our steps and defines who we are. It is absolutely vital that we put God’s Word into our thoughts, hear his truth, and relate to His people. Today, what we put into or allow into our mind and the friends we relate to determine the direction of our thoughts and life. Our thoughts today are the seeds of tomorrow’s harvest.

- Commit to daily focus on God’s Word at the beginning and end of each day.
- Ask God to help you cast the moneychangers out of His Temple.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Listening to See

but just as it is written, "THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND {which} HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM." For to us God revealed {them} through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. (1 Cor 2)

Have you and your spouse ever had a prayer meeting together just to listen to God? This is something that my bride and I have found incredibly helpful. We get our Bibles and the two of us find a place alone to listen to God. We start with a prayer where we offer ourselves to God and ask God to speak to us. Then we expect that He will bring to mind Scriptures, testimonies, word pictures or hymns to share. As we share, we also try to listen and take notes about the meaning of the Scriptures, songs and sharings.

We have often used this approach as we faced major decisions. Sometimes we have come away from that time with sense of what direction we are to go. Other times we have been brought to a new closeness to God but without reaching a sense of direction. Frequently our attitudes, values and priorities have been challenged as we listened. It has occasionally been necessary for us to have multiple of these little prayer meetings as we continued to seek peace for a particular direction or decision.

As we face the fog of the future, it is common for us to wonder what to do at any fork in the road of our life. Sometimes, we can know the right direction from obvious principles of Scripture. Other times the best decision or direction is not so clear. And, to complicate the situation, there is the temptation we each face to depend solely on our natural talents, knowledge or desires. God has wonderful things in mind for us; but, how often do we rise to His level of vision for our lives, family or church? The truth for me and many of us is that God wants to speak to us more than we want to listen. Yet, if we listen, we will begin to see the wonderful.

Have a "listening" prayer meeting with your spouse or family.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

The earth: how old does it look?

If a car is 50 years old, it is old. A man with a hundred and ten years under his belt is old. A building is of ripe old age after three centuries. When is a planet old? [to learn more click here]

Friday, May 06, 2005

Established or Ruined

“But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil” (Matthew 5:37).

When Ouida and I visited China, we found that we were often like helpless babes totally dependent on some stranger. Several times, we were taken advantage of. These losses were the cost of our education. But, there were also many times when we received more help than we expected.

Jason, the bellboy at one hotel, could speak a little English. When we arrived, he offered his help whenever we needed it. It was Jason that helped us make connections with the family of Li QuanLi, our friend from church. Jason also helped us with directions when we decided to walk a few blocks to a restaurant. But, Jason kept refusing my attempts to give him tips.

In contrast, there was the rickshaw driver who could speak a little English. He convinced us that he could get us back to our hotel. But, once he had us in his control, he took us on a journey of his own choosing. Finally, his English deserted him and he indicated in sign language that he was too tired and it was too far to the hotel. Yet, he made it clear that he should be paid. So, we ended up paying him to get loose from him.

Many people are dependent on us. Our employers, children, parents, and friends depend on each of us to keep our word and to uphold our responsibility. We make agreements with our company, vows in our marriage, and casual promises to those around us. Our good name is established or ruined by our dependability in keeping our word.


* Let's consider what we sing to God and say in our Cards (Mother's Day, Birthday, ..)
* Let’s ask, “Am I keeping my word to love for better or worse, to lay down my life for those dependent on me, and to give my best effort to earn every dollar,?”
* Let’s pray that we will do what we promise whether it is explicitly stated or just implied.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Who is the God of Our Anger, Fears and Tears?

"If You are the Christ, tell us."
But He said to them, "If I tell you, you will not believe;
And if I ask a question, you will not answer.
(Luke 22:67,68)

Jesus was right about the Jewish religious leaders. He told them and they did not believe Him. These leaders had values that, at root, were earth based. They put on external trappings of belief while setting their hearts on worldly treasures. Even though we may point a finger at them and judge them for their unbelief, our lives may reveal the same unbelief in some areas.

Project: Let’s ask God, “What makes me sad or angry?”

What is it that causes me excitement, worry, happiness or depression? Too often my feelings are defined by worldly desires and values. Why do I sometimes worry about finances? Do I not believe Matthew 6? Or, is it because I do not wholehearted seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness? What causes us to feel depressed? Is it disappointment in some earthly treasure or worldly “god”. Is our car, house, career, or child actually more important to us than knowing God and building His Kingdom? Perhaps some favorite activity, TV show or sport defines whether we will be happy or frustrated. Some relationship or expectations of relationship may form a shadowy idol in our soul. These idols may determine whether we spend today in peace, fear, joy or tears. The Pharisees would not have answered this question, “What god is behind your anger, fears and tears?”

Project: Let’s repent of any earthy treasures or idols that control our priorities or feelings.

Let us turn again to the Lover of our soul and the captain of our salvation. May His goals be our goals and His loves our loves. Because He loves us, He will shake and destroy our idols. When they are shaken or destroyed, our true beliefs will be manifest in our soul’s reaction. May we turn away from the shadowy idols of the Pharisees and the Sadducees and embrace the One True God who gave Himself for us. Jesus is the Son of God, who died and rose from the dead because of His love for you and for me. This wonderful fact should define, guide and energize each of our lives.

Project: Let’s ask God for increased grace to make Jesus the only anchor and engine of our soul and life.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Hazardous Package

If you're pregnant, watch what you drink out of. Drink packaging could be hazardous to your unborn boy. [click here for more info].

Monday, May 02, 2005

“I have no need”

And they began to discuss among themselves which one of them it might be who was going to do this thing. (Luke 22:23)

Judas wanted to walk with Jesus but he also secretly sought things of the flesh. The food that Jesus offered for his spirit was lost because of the secret feeding of the flesh. What if Judas had admitted his weakness to Jesus? Wouldn’t he have found love, forgiveness and freedom? Did Judas gain anything by trying to keep it secret? Jesus certainly knew. And the other disciples at least suspected. Only Judas was fooled and ended life as the ultimate fool. Are we fooling ourselves?

Parents soon learn that they can not change their children’s wrong desires. They can teach, hinder or even bribe and still the desire will go on. This can show up in something as simple as finger sucking, as serious as habitual lying or as dangerous as stubborn rebellion. But, if the child will admit his problem then genuine change will begin to occur. It is absolutely wonderful when a child demonstrates maturity by admitting a problem or weakness.

Jesus does not overwhelm our will but waits for us to yield it to Him by sincerely admitting our weakness and need. Sometimes this means that we need to admit our weakness to someone else, to our family or even publicly. But, if we start by seeking God’s forgiveness and grace, He will give us courage to go wherever He leads us with our message of need, weakness and grace. In the end, it is our personal choice whether we will be needy seekers of grace or self-deceived, “I have no need”, betrayers.


* Let’s ask ourselves, “What’s my biggest struggle?”
* Let’s sincerely admit it to Jesus.
* Let’s ask Him who to admit it to as a need or a testimony.