Big Bang Experts
"For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.
"But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?"
(John 5:46)
Surveys have shown that, currently, only 9% of people who identify themselves as Christians have a Biblical worldview. This means over 90% are not able to put Biblical teachings into practice because they don’t sincerely believe much of what the Bible teaches. In fact, many of these people put little value in even finding out what the Bible actually says because they don’t consider it believable. The result is that many churches are little more than social clubs to help each other feel better.
By these words in John 5, Jesus, the Son of God, makes it clear that the roots of the New Testament are in the Old Testament. Jesus, as King of Kings, puts His stamp of approval on the writings of Moses and tells us that we should believe what Moses wrote. Moses wrote of the beginnings of Mankind, destruction by the Flood, and the selection of Abraham to be the father of His Chosen people. Jesus is the climax of the story begun in Genesis and that concludes in Revelation.
Our schools, culture, and judges have relegated Genesis to the land of fairy tales. Who will we believe? If we don’t believe in the beginning revealed in the Old Testament, how much can we depend on the “rest of the story” revealed in the New Testament? Our culture has also made the story of Jesus into a fairy tale. At least our culture is consistent. We should also be consistent. We must choose. Jesus was certified as the Son of the Creator by His Resurrection from the dead. Our earthly teachers are certified by a piece of paper on the wall. Will our faith be founded on the words of the Son of God or the “something from nothing” teachings of "Big Bang" experts?
- Let’s finally decide who we will follow and listen to.
- Let’s commit to seeing and responding to our world through the truth of the Bible.
- Find answers for the "experts". Click here to get the other side of the story: "Answers In Genesis".
Reminds me of a book by Eldredge (?) called Epic. It's a short read and is written by the guy who wrote "Wild at Heart".