Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Who is the God of Our Anger, Fears and Tears?

"If You are the Christ, tell us."
But He said to them, "If I tell you, you will not believe;
And if I ask a question, you will not answer.
(Luke 22:67,68)

Jesus was right about the Jewish religious leaders. He told them and they did not believe Him. These leaders had values that, at root, were earth based. They put on external trappings of belief while setting their hearts on worldly treasures. Even though we may point a finger at them and judge them for their unbelief, our lives may reveal the same unbelief in some areas.

Project: Let’s ask God, “What makes me sad or angry?”

What is it that causes me excitement, worry, happiness or depression? Too often my feelings are defined by worldly desires and values. Why do I sometimes worry about finances? Do I not believe Matthew 6? Or, is it because I do not wholehearted seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness? What causes us to feel depressed? Is it disappointment in some earthly treasure or worldly “god”. Is our car, house, career, or child actually more important to us than knowing God and building His Kingdom? Perhaps some favorite activity, TV show or sport defines whether we will be happy or frustrated. Some relationship or expectations of relationship may form a shadowy idol in our soul. These idols may determine whether we spend today in peace, fear, joy or tears. The Pharisees would not have answered this question, “What god is behind your anger, fears and tears?”

Project: Let’s repent of any earthy treasures or idols that control our priorities or feelings.

Let us turn again to the Lover of our soul and the captain of our salvation. May His goals be our goals and His loves our loves. Because He loves us, He will shake and destroy our idols. When they are shaken or destroyed, our true beliefs will be manifest in our soul’s reaction. May we turn away from the shadowy idols of the Pharisees and the Sadducees and embrace the One True God who gave Himself for us. Jesus is the Son of God, who died and rose from the dead because of His love for you and for me. This wonderful fact should define, guide and energize each of our lives.

Project: Let’s ask God for increased grace to make Jesus the only anchor and engine of our soul and life.

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