Saturday, December 30, 2006

Healthy Children

Child Health Care
Ouida and I started out following very medically conservative procedures for childbirth and early childhood health procedures. This included Ouida almost being knocked out with gas during delivery and on a later pregnancy she received an epidural. But, as more children came along and our knowledge and experience grew, we discovered that it was not necessary to treat pregnancy, childbirth and every childhood illness as a potential major medical emergency. The following website points out some of the possible long term dangers of currently standard medical practices. It also provides alternative ideas for healthy births and babies. Several of the sources listed on this website are doctors who are speaking out. Some of the practices that are standard in the United States are not standard in other countries. Many countries have better health statistics for births, babies and children then the U.S. The reasons behind standard medical protocols can be complex and sometimes have more foundation in legal concerns than in medical issues. The ideas discussed on this website and standard medical practices should both be carefully researched by parents concerned with giving the best in medical care to their children. Gather some questions and quiz your doctor. But, even though it's his responsibility to be knowledgeable on standard procedures, alternative treatments and their related issues and to be able to communicate it to you, his hands may be tied when it comes to any possibility of recommending a treatment outside those recognized as standard protocols.

Child Discipline
A Love and Logic child discipline class will be offered at RE on Tuesday nights beginning in January. We've heard some of the material and highly recommend it.

We live in a complex world but we are promised wisdom if you ask for it in faith. Wisdom is definitely needed in the care and raising of our children.

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