Tuesday, May 08, 2007

toddlers 'become aggressive'

Another warning from Pediatricians about the danger of TV for young children. But, what about the rest of us? How many of us can look back and honestly say that we wished we had watched more TV? Watching TV basically produces nothing and accomplishes very little. Let's move in the direction of less TV and more productivity in our lives. By productivity, I mean improved relationships, personal growth and just getting things done. Tonight, try turning off the tube (or computer) and try talking to your neighbor, child or spouse (if he's not watching TV).

TV toddlers 'become aggressive'

Toddlers who watch too much television can become aggressive and suffer from poor attention span, a survey claims.

The report discovered that an increasing number of children are watching television at a younger age and that nearly half of children in the study were regular viewers of television, video or DVDs by the age of three months.

The figure jumps to 90 per cent of two year olds, according to researchers who say parents are ignoring the health warnings.

Even though the study was carried out in the US, psychologists warned that it had implications for Britain.

The findings, among 1,000 children and published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine journal, come after a psychologist in the UK claimed British children were also spending hours slumped in front of the small screen and it was "the greatest unacknowledged health threat of our time". [read more..]

By Sarah Womack, Social Affairs Correspondent
Last Updated: 2:33am BST 08/05/2007


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