Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Slay the Blood Sucking Monster

And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us, and has given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor.

The things we bring into our lives should be extensions of our dedication to God. If we are tools in His hands, then our "things" should also be His tools. If we use any of the stuff in our life primarily for self-indulgence instead of as a tool then that thing may have a negative effect on our life, goals and relationships. Things like houses, cars, TV's, music players, computers, media-phones, beds, clothes, and so on can obviously be of great value. But, if any of them begin to drain valuable time from our lives because we are pleasing our "self", then that thing may need to have a different focus.

I spend many hours in front of a computer screen because it is a tool I use for work, communication and learning. But, I can sometimes get drawn into spending too much time reading or watching the news. If I don't watch it, I can waste an hour or more at the screen and end up with basically nothing in exchange for that valuable time.

The same thing can happen to any of us with hobbies, cars and especially TV. If our wife, parents or friends object to how much time we are spending on one of these things, it may be an indication that we've let a tool become a toy for self. That toy may be stealing our life or future. It may have become like some kind of monster sucking vitality out of our goals, marriage or education. It may get an hour or two or more every day of our time. But, we may not recognize that that time had a leverage effect because time or other resources invested in growing ourselves has been found to give a return of at least five to one. Take a one or two hours away from that toy every day and invest it in learning, exercise, or relationships. That time will have a fantastic return in skills, love, achievement or in building God's Kingdom.

Toy time may have great pleasure but at what expense? Let's pray and ask God to show us our toy time and ask Him to give us grace to change.

May the Lord help me and each of you to slay the blood sucking monster of self indulgence. Let's give ourselves and our toys to the King of Kings. It will be a sweet-smelling sacrifice that will bring God's Kingdom into our personal life and into our family.

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