For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, (Romans 8:6)
What does it mean to have one’s mind “set on the Spirit”? It easy for anyone to understand a mind set on the flesh with its appetites for recognition, wealth, power, toys, trinkets and getting “my way”. As one grows older, this focus on the desires of self will lead to a sense of meaninglessness (Eccl 1:14). Being guided by the desires of flesh or selfishness is guaranteed to lead to regret and death. It will destroy dreams, relationships and lives. But, what is focus on the “Spirit”?
God does not delight in the power of a car;
He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man,
The Lord favors those who fear Him,
Those who wait for his love, kindness and mercy.
(paraphrase Ps 147:10)
The Holy Spirit is Love alive. When we have the Spirit of Christ living in us, we will have self-sacrificing love for others and for God. A focus on the Spirit means a growing love of, knowledge of and relationship with God. It means a love for neighbors that leads to activity for their sake. When the self-sacrificing love of Christ’s Spirit guides our thinking, our relationships will be touched with his healing power, our goals will have eternal purpose, and we will experience a dynamic, meaningful life. Self-love can sometimes look like real love but it will eventually yield a bitter harvest. The activity of God's Spirit will always bring a joyful harvest.
Galatians 5:18+
Here are some more questions to consider.
Are my goals for today primarily focused on me or on loving God and others?
How do we get Christ’s Spirit in our life?
- Is it related to Jesus' statement that he who is forgiven much loves much?
Can we get more of His Spirit?