Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pigs, Hands and Sons

I don't deserve to be called your son. Take me on as a hired hand. (Luke 15:19)

Dry husks, sour milk and garbage -- these are the ingredients of hog slop and are also the result of the pleasures and riches of this world. This is enjoyment for swine but not for someone made in the image of God. When I went off to college, I had a good foundation in the beliefs, example and love of my parents. But, I soon found it easier to sleep on Sundays rather than going to the trouble of getting up and going to church. In fact, the only time I went to church was when I went because of going with my parents. As time went by, I continued to move in the direction of the pig pen. A pig is not too particular about his slop -- just keep it coming. But, looking at it as a human being -- slop is pretty nasty stuff.

When we forget who we are, we get soul-hungry and soon even a pig's slop starts to look good. In this world, there is plenty of slop for pigs and for those who are becoming pigs. But we, as Men and Women, are called to be sons and daughters of the Most High God. What a terrible tragedy to go from being a prince to begging or even fighting for swine slop. Yet, it's so easy for sons to forget who they are and to wander off from the Father while looking for easy pleasures. Who has not been a prodigal son blind to the meaning of being made in the image of God?

When, however, we wake up to our condition and realize that we are actually Men lusting for the slop of pigs, our first thought is to earn our way. We want God to let us work our way -- "Take me on as a hired hand." It seems like a step in the right direction. Yet, it completely misses the goal that God has in mind. God wants us as His sons and daughters who love to be in His presence, who rejoice in His mercy, who wear His robes, and who wear His seal. His sons do not earn pay for their personal accounts. Their number one goal is to increase their Father's account. It's His influence and holdings that are important -- not ours. Our Father has everything except the voluntary love of those He made in His image. He can not command or demand it. His joy is in embracing prodigal sons who have finally realized that they are not meant to be pigs at the slop trough nor hired hands, but His beloved sons.

For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are Sons of God. (Rom 8:14)

1 comment:

  1. Hi out there in CA husband,
    Thanks for the truth reminders. I have also been thinking about who and whose I am this morning. I am looking forward to God's gift of strength and might as I hope to keep waiting on Him today (Isaiah 40:31). I am looking forward to being absolutely convinced of God's love no matter how things look. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
