Sunday, February 06, 2005

Cracked Foundation

For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law. (Romans 3:28)

As employers, parents or leaders of any kind, we soon learn the incredible importance of attitude in those we are supposed to lead. The willing, trusting and loyal one may make many mistakes but we develop a reciprocal trust in him. We don’t mind such a one breaking some of the rules because we know his basic motivation. In contrast, the one who takes no initiative to serve the leader and, at best, does exactly what he is asked but no more is not to be trusted with increased responsibility. We will trust one to work independently without rules but the other requires constant direction and inspection. One will tend to undermine while another can be trusted to seek the goal of the leader. In the Old Testament, we see examples of this in Joseph rising in trust and power; Daniel being given incredible responsibility; and David being a man after God’s heart. What is our attitude toward our leaders and especially toward God?

Are we committed and dedicated to his goals? Do we take initiative to seek to make him successful in his objectives? Or, are we seeking a recipe for success? We should not constantly require explicit direction because we will be eagerly looking for ways to advance his goals. A Law keeper focuses on contracts, success formulas, defining who is on the winning side, and ways to advance his personal agenda.

Where are each of us in our relationship with God? Are we in love with Him and taking initiative with the primary goal of seeking His Kingdom and righteousness? Or, are we fearful, reluctant "disciples" mostly doing our own thing after having followed some formula that is supposed to save us from His wrath? Jesus' paid a huge price to redeem us and the focus of our faith should be on Him, His death and His resurrection as the basis of our salvation. We are true sons of God only if we are sealed with and led by the Spirit of God (Rom 8). If, instead of Jesus, we focus on having said a special prayer, having a mystical experience, coming from a family of faith, or any other formula of personal activity as the basis of salvation, then we actually have ourselves as the source of salvation and that is certainly a cracked and false foundation for our faith.


  • What evidence comes to mind when you hear the question: "Are you saved?"
If Jesus is our Saviour, Lover and Leader then
  • Let’s completely offer ourselves to God and to His objectives.
  • Let’s seek ways to take initiative to build God’s Kingdom.
  • Let’s also consider and initiate ways to make our earthly leaders and authorities successful.

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