Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Lot Like Lot

Young Child, Adult Decision

Lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the valley of the Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere … like the garden of the LORD… So Lot chose for himself all the valley of the Jordan, and Lot journeyed eastward. Thus they separated from each other. (Exodus 13)

Can you imagine an eight year old trying to make the decisions of an adult? Yet, some people are guided by decisions or attitudes from their childhood. Unfortunately, I wanted to be Superman. More commonly, others try to make decisions from the wrong frame of reference. This is the trap I often fall into. But, a decision based on a wrong perspective may be even worst than the decision of a child. Lot's decision was based on a wrong perspective and was a result of spiritual immaturity.

As adults, we face many decisions. What education do I pursue? Should I watch this movie? What career do I seek? What time should I get up or go to bed? Who do I marry? Should I go to that party? Should we be open to receiving another child? Where shall we live? How do we educate our children? Should I take this job?

As we come to each of the hundreds of decision points in our life, there will always be the apparently easy way versus the right way. If we are determined to walk in God’s paths, then it will be absolutely necessary to deny our self-centered perspective and desires. The easy way is deceptive because it may actually involve very hard work and self-discipline; but, the dividend is paid in worldly coins that appeal to our fleshly desires. The worldly coins; such as adventure, self importance, palaces, treasure, pleasure and so on, are all very temporary but appeal to Self. The ease or the difficulty of the way is based not on the level of work involved but on whether we have to deny self.

Lot chose the way of Self and it led to the destruction of everything he valued. Abraham had decided, years before, to go where God led him. He was led to leave his familiar social circle and wander about living in a tent. The result was a life and family that continues to affect history and through his offspring came salvation. The presence of the Holy Spirit in a Christian brings the same thirst that Abraham had. It’s a desire for doing the “right thing” from an eternal perspective. The Holy Spirit always brings a hunger for deeper relationship with Jesus, for God’s Word and for God’s direction. If that desire or thirst for God’s Word and direction is weak or lacking then the person is basically like a young child trying to make adult size decisions.

-- Let’s
Daily pray and ask for the Holy Spirit. (Luke 11:13)
Ask God for a deeper hunger and thirst of His Word and His Way. (Matt 5:6)
Offer today’s decisions to God and sincerely, even desperately, seek His perspective on them. (Matt 6:19-24)

Let’s make it our goal; ahead of everything else, to seek to obey the Father, to grow His family and to do what is right in His sight. As we seek these goals, the other things we need (adventure, joy, clothing, food and so on) shall be provided. (see Matt 6:33)

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