Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Toys, Trikes and Tables

Then He got into the boat with them, and the wind stopped; and they were utterly astonished, for they had not gained any insight from the incident of the loaves, but their heart was hardened. (Mark 6)

With our houseful of children, it can be a painful experience to try to walk through the house in the dark. There have been a few instances of nearly "crashing and burning" on a toy or a laundry basket. I remember edging along the hall and reaching as far as I could around the corner to the light switch. After all, who knew what chair, toy or even person might be just around the corner. One night, one of our sons even slept on the kitchen floor in his sleeping bag so he could get first choice on the morning chores. As a result of the unknown objects and people that might be lying on the floor, I got so I always tried to turn on a light as soon as possible. In the same way, one of the huge benefits of taking time everyday to think about our lives, to seek God's presence, and to dwell in His Word is the increased potential to turn on the light in our lives.

I recently heard a fellow interviewed who had reached a point of decision about his business. He withdrew to a quiet place in the country and spent time just thinking about the business, his goals and trying gain insight. The result was not only a vision for his business but ideas about how to implement it. That day at the lake led to significant changes and an extremely successful business which he had originally started with $700. He still owns 100% of the now multi-million dollar business and did not get financial help from relatives or other investors. His success is based on his ability to learn from others, to think and to get insights. Insights are chunks of wisdom that can dramatically alter our way of thinking and of living. Insights can soften our heart, build our faith and pop us out of the ruts of bad habits.

C.S. Lewis suggested that pain is God's two by four that He must sometimes use in order to get our attention. His love for us is infinitely beyond what we can imagine and He will not let us stagger into the pit without trying whatever is required to get our attention. All of us go through disappointments, pain and suffering. We also have joyful experiences where God surprises us with unexpected opportunity, provision or blessing. Why waste these experiences? Let's squeeze every possible message, hidden benefit and insight that we can from them.

An insight is a gift from God which is dependent on our ability to receive it. If we are not listening, it will just pass us by. There will be incidents in your life today which will be potential opportunities for God to reveal a little of Himself, His love or His wisdom. God wants us to come to Him with our questions, fears and complaints. He is waiting and eager to give gifts of wisdom, insight and power to change. If we don't get the message, we are either doomed to repeat the lesson or just miss out on its blessing. But, too often we just don't show up. The result is that we continue to act like the Three Stooges; stumbling in darkness over toys, trikes and tables.

Let's spend a little time today, tomorrow and everyday away from the crush of events, the noise of life and the entanglement of worry.
Let's withdraw to a quiet corner, listen to God's Word and let Him speak into our experiences.

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