Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Frauds and Lovers

Now flee from youthful lusts, and follow righteousness, faith, love, peace and those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. (2 Timothy 2:22)

As I look back at the influential people, things and desires of my younger years. Many of those desires could be classified as youthful lusts. One example is my desire for a sports car. I can still remember reading a book about sports cars and feeling the growing determination to get one (and soon!). And, I made the mistake of doing whatever I had to in order to get one. So, I just piled on more debt and got one. The sizable debt I carried out of college was not because of education costs (they were mostly covered by a scholarship and by summer jobs). No, this burden was created by my wrong choices. Sadly, there are many lusts of youth that still tempt me.

When we think of lust, it seems to automatically connect with raging sexual desires, pornography and moral perversions. But, it can be any controlling fleshly desire, such as fame, fortune, comfort, food, status, excitement or power. When a life is guided and controlled by such a desire, more important things are sacrificed at the altar of that lust. These lusts will inevitably guide us into all kinds of troubles, broken relationships and sorrow.

In contrast to these fraudulent counselors, God calls us, His children, to follow entirely different guides through the wilderness of this life. We are to follow the guidance of “Mr. Do-The-Right-Thing”, “Trust-in-God-for-the-future”, and “Love-that-gives-all”. In contrast to seeking comfort, security or an adrenaline rush, our compass in every decision is to be the Peace of Christ. Our closest companions on this journey should be those who actually trust in the Lord Jesus, call on Him for strength, provision and guidance, and who have thoughts cleansed by His Blood and His Word.

On the horizon, I see some figures waving at me and calling, “Follow me!” Though they start in the same place, these friends and guides are going to entirely different destinations. God’s Word reveals who our guides and companions should be. God has glorious plans for our future. But, each day our personal choices affect the Tomorrow we will actually inherit. Let’s flee from the fraudulent guidance of Lust and PURSUE the Guide who is Lover of our Soul.


  • Seek to know your Lover more by meditating on His Word.
  • Determine, by God’s grace, to flee from lust whenever it tempts.
  • Ask how you would change yesterday’s decisions if you were more guided by faith, love, peace and doing the “right thing”.
  • Take steps to change and head in the right direction today.

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