Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Anointed with the Oil of Blessing

Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; (Psalms 141:5)

"You just keep saying the same thing over and over." My son thought my sharing was going on too long. It is hard for me to accept criticism. My first reaction is to defend myself and to resent the person who dares to point out my little, tiny weakness. At least, it’s tiny in my mind. But, when I catch my breath and take time to get my thoughts straight, then I can almost begin to appreciate someone having the courage to tell me the truth.

Those who are the closest to us and live with us all the time are the ones most likely to recognize areas that we could improve. But, it is with those who are closest that we tend to develop habitual patterns of self-defense, walls of silent withdrawal or escalating counter-attacks. Why would a little unasked-for advice bother me? Maybe it is because it inadvertently steps on a sensitive spot in my ego or tramples on a secret fear.

If we had to walk in the shoes of our spouse or children for a day, we might discover that our little tiny weaknesses are actually huge points of friction. After walking in their shoes, we might sincerely appreciate their incredible patience and love. One way to begin to recognize our weak areas is to analyze what traits in others irritate us. Many times we will have the same character flaws manifested in different ways. Impatience may cause some to become loud and irritated while in others it may cause a silent, dark scowl.

By God’s grace, may we be able to say (by our body language and response) “Give me your advice and criticism, smite me and reprove me; you are anointing me with the oil of blessing.”

Let the righteous smite me in kindness and reprove me; It is oil upon the head; Do not let my head refuse it (Psalms 141:5)


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