Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Sweaty Treasure

Recently, I journeyed with a youth group as they traveled into Mexico to build a church. When we arrived, we found a good foundation, a somewhat crooked security wall and piles of materials. None of us knew where to start.

Rick and Sherry Owens have been coordinating the construction of church buildings in Mexico for over seventeen years and more than 130 churches. Youth groups learn how to build walls, mix concrete, tie rebar, shovel sand and work as a team in difficult circumstances. These groups experience a great outpouring of hospitality, gratitude and encouragement from the people they came to encourage. Week by week, group by group, the church building gradually rises while love flows between the youth groups and the congregation. We learned a little more Spanish while they learned a little more English. But, love was still communicated in spite of the language barrier.

We learned how to compensate for the mistakes of those who came before us as we also learned how to lay cinder blocks so that the wall grows straight and true. Some of our own mistakes became obvious as we tried to pour concrete support columns for the walls. A couple of the forms developed massive leaks of concrete and we discovered that more than positive thinking is required to stand the pressure in those columns.

Working elbow to elbow with friends and with strangers, we gradually discovered new levels of shared strength, commitment and faith. Many of the Mexican men working with us were preachers from other congregations. These men took turns spending the night at the site to prevent theft. One of the younger preachers had been a boy of fourteen when Rick and Sherry came to his town and helped his church family build a gathering place. That was the genesis of his desire to build God’s Church both physically and spiritually. In Mexico, a religious group without a building is considered an illegal cult. So, a building gives more than a place to meet, it also adds validation.

After only four days, we came away knowing that we could accomplish more than we expected in circumstances more challenging than we anticipated. In our society, it is extremely tempting to put our resources in entertaining, comfortable and temporary investments. This ministry provides a great way for young people to invest in eternity while getting a new perspective of the world. On this trip, we definitely invested our time, money, and sweat into an everlasting treasure.

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:21)


  1. Gerry,

    Good job. I will look here often as I look for ideas for lessons to teach my class of Young Adults.

    Thank you.

    Tom Hooton

  2. Gerry, you were certainly a trooper on this trip. I was impressed with your hard work and the example you set for the teens to follow. I'm grateful you joined us!
