Friday, July 22, 2005

STOP -- The Bridge Is Out

Now I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel… (Philippians 1:12)

A way of escape from a future of unending pain and darkness has been revealed! But, there are many who don’t realize the horrible significance of their decisions and direction. It seems so hard to communicate the truth of the Good News of Jesus to others. What can we do?

This verse from Philippians tells us that God wants to use the circumstances of our life to broadcast the Good News of a way of escape from the Real Death. Our soul is designed and created to live forever. Real Death is for our soul to go on living outside the grace of God. God is the source of every good thing: sunshine, peace, cool water, joy, laughter, love and cool breezes. Without Him, we have unending darkness, thirst, bondage and suffering in a hell designed for Satan and his demons. Just shouting, “You Fool!” is enough to separate a person from God. But, when we hear, believe, accept and live the truth about Jesus reconciling us to God, then God fills us with His Spirit and makes our lives into flesh and blood letters.

What circumstance in this life is not worth offering to God if it will help save someone from UNENDING pain? I’m tempted to focus on my loss, my pain or my suffering rather than the needs of those around me. And, those needs are urgent. People are slipping, walking or even running toward destruction without understanding the incredible danger and the opportunity for rescue. God does not want us to fall into that terrible pit designed for demons. But, He will not, can not compromise with Sin. Through Jesus’ death for my Sin and by His resurrection, God has made a way for me to be adopted as His child, to be of His same substance by receiving His Spirit. Let’s offer the circumstances of each of our lives as living sacrifices to get this incredibly wonderful news out to those in such danger of slipping away into a dreadfully horrible eternity. Wouldn't you put up a sign to warn travelers if they were speeding toward a chasm when you know the bridge is out?

Pray for God’s perspective on your circumstances.
Look for creative ways to communicate the Good News.
Who can you warn and maybe save from destruction?

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