Monday, April 03, 2006

The Road Less Traveled

"Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for their fathers used to treat the false prophets in the same way. “ (Luke 6:26)

Winston Churchill spent more than 10 years in Parliament as an unpopular, lonely voice warning of the rising danger. John the Baptist spoke the truth even when it meant prison and beheading. Today, we often see how most people will panic, run or hide when the media turns against them. Whatever group I’m in, I always feel an invisible pressure to be in agreement with the majority or with the most outspoken personality. There is a natural desire to be “approved”.

Jesus’ words warn us of the dangers of fitting in with popular opinion. His message definitely runs contrary to our natural desire to be admired, approved and even applauded. As boys, many of us daydreamed of being acclaimed as heroes. But, not many dream of being unpopular, persecuted or poor because of being followers of Christ. Yet, this is reality for many Christians in much of the world.

Even in our part of the world, we are frequently tempted to just “fit in” and not cause waves. It’s all too easy to say what people want to hear or not say what they don’t want to hear. Jesus became less and less popular in spite of His miraculous powers. He said unpopular and politically incorrect things such as lustful thoughts are equivalent to adultery, divorce is not God’s design, earthly riches are dangerous to spiritual heath, and do good for your enemies (including the Romans).

Even if it is only other non-conformists, nearly everyone has someone whose approval they desire enough to modify their words and actions. In some cases, this pressure leads to good results and in others not so good. In either case, it is a significant problem if we are seeking to present an “image” or a facade so that some group of men, women or friends will speak well of us. This can cause us to shade the truth about ourselves and to neglect genuine love. Instead, our goal should be to walk in the way of truth and love no matter what others think. This is the road Jesus traveled and it is certainly the road less traveled.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. (3 John 1:4)

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. - Frost

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