Friday, November 05, 2004

Stream of Tears

He opened the rock, and water gushed out; it flowed through the desert like a river. (Psalm 105:41)

I remember a huge boulder on top a mountain where I grew up. It was at least fifty feet high. In each of our souls, we have places that have been hardened and are like giant boulders. These rocks seem like the least likely place to find water for our thirsty souls because it is there that we feel the least life and strength. These rocks may bear the shape of an enemy, an ex-spouse, a tragic accident, a hidden sin, an overwhelming fear or our own prideful self-image. These can be terrible boulders that we normally avoid even thinking about. Yet, it is to these huge, terrible, flint-like stones that Jesus desires to come and speak a healing word.

We tend to think that the desert of our soul, relationships and life is normal. In reality, God wants us to have a constantly increasing stream of Life flowing into all those areas. The streams of Love, Joy and Peace are pent up and could flow into every corner of our life. God is well aware of our inner landscape and is eager to lead us to a giant boulder that we perceive as an obstacle to our life but from which He wants to bring a river of blessing, healing and life.

As my bride and I have learned to communicate, God has led us to be more and more open with each other about fears, shame, wounds and frustrated dreams. These are the kind of things that I don’t naturally want to face because they can make me cry. Many of us are hiding from our feelings. Sometimes, something that I had not thought about for years God seems to bring it to mind at a time and place that demands an explicit decision. I can choose to either bring it into the light for God to touch; or hide from it and miss an incredible blessing. The fastest growth in my relationship with my bride and with God has come when I let Him open the rock. A stream of tears can be indicative of a new river of life.


  • Find a place to be alone.
  • Ask God to reveal a boulder in your life.
  • When something comes to mind, ask for Jesus to heal your heart.
  • Share your “rock” with your spouse, friend or minister.

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