Muscle Building
If we let Him go on like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation." (John 11:48)
The scenario envisioned by the religious leaders in this verse reveals their total lack of faith in God and complete focus on earthly goals. They were called to lead a nation closer to God. But, their interest was not in the people they were leading or in God’s goals but in the position they held and the privileges they enjoyed. It shows their actual belief in contrast to their stated belief. Their actual belief was that God either didn’t exist, or was powerless against the Romans. Without realizing what they are doing, they finally came to the conclusion that they must take control and kill God’s promise, the focus of their history, and their only genuine hope for the future. Others found eternal treasure in Christ but they did not.
The statement, “If we let Him go on like this”, causes me to remember, back when we had only two or three children, that even though we felt God was asking us to trust Him to control how many children He would give us, fear and uncertainty would arise in our mind at the prospect of twenty (or even more) children. We were in debt from my college expenses and, to even afford our first child, we had to sell my little sports car. How could we possibly afford a child every year or two?
It is terribly easy for us to be guided by fear -- fear of being out of control, fear of loss, or fear of death. Scripture tells us that the more we know God’s love the less we will fear. Fear can cause us to miss out on the genuine, eternal treasures of life that God has stored up for us. At the end of their life, men do not regret the loss of things as much as the loss of relationships or as much as having fled in fear when faced with the enemy. One of the most important activities we can engage in is to meditate on, absorb and act on the Word, the Truth, and the Love of God. This vital activity will build up the muscles of our faith, our love and our courage.
May God give us grace to trust His love enough to embrace His call so that we do not destroy, by our fear, His promise and treasure for our life, family or church.